How chickens lay eggs?
The ability to lay eggs makes chickens fascinating and valuable animals. Consequently, they are frequently kept as pets. This leads to the question of how do chickens lay eggs? Below provides the answers to the age old question.
Understanding the chicken's reproductive system is critical before delving into the egg-laying process. Female chickens have two ovaries, but only the left ovary is active. The developing egg yolks are housed in thousands of tiny follicles in the ovary.
When a hen reaches adulthood, a follicle is selected from her ovary and released. After maturing inside the follicle, the yolk is fully developed and released into the oviduct. The oviduct is a long, twisted tube with several sections, each of which serves a specific function in the egg-laying process.
Follicle selection: When a hen reaches adulthood, a follicle is chosen from the ovary, as was previously mentioned. When the yolk is fully developed, it is released into the oviduct after maturing inside the follicle.
The initial part of the oviduct is called the infundibulum. It is in charge of catching the yolk after the ovary releases it. The ovary is encircled by a funnel-shaped structure in this section of the oviduct. If the hen has mated with a rooster, this is where the rooster's sperm can fertilise the egg.
Magnum: The term "magnum" refers to the following section of the oviduct. The egg white is incorporated into the yolk at this point. The developing embryo receives nutrition and protection from the protein-rich egg white, also known as albumen.
Third section of the oviduct is called the isthmus. It is in charge of incorporating the egg's shell membrane. The egg is shielded from bacteria and other contaminants by the thin shell membrane.
Shell Gland: The oviduct's last segment is known as the shell gland. The egg's tough, calcium-rich shell is added at this point. The final stage of egg formation, the shell, takes about 20 hours to fully develop.
Cloaca: The cloaca, which serves as the opening for both the reproductive and digestive tracts, is where the egg passes through after it has fully developed. The vent is then used by the egg to leave the hen's body.
The breed, age, season, and ease of access to food and water are just a few of the factors that influence how frequently chickens lay eggs. Every 24 to 26 hours, a chicken will lay an egg. During the busiest egg-laying season, however, some chickens can lay an egg every day.