Keeping chickens can be a rewarding experience, but it also entails a significant amount of responsibility. As a chicken owner, you must ensure the safety and well being of your flock. While a basic coop will provide shelter, there are several essential accessories that can help make your chickens' home more comfortable and productive. In this article, we'll look at the essential accessories that every chicken coop needs to keep its hens happy and healthy.

Essential Accessories for your Chicken Coop!
Nest boxes are essential for providing your hens with a safe and comfortable place to lay their eggs. The number of nest boxes required will vary depending on the size of your flock, but one box for every four to five hens is a good rule of thumb. Nest boxes should be placed away from food and water sources in a quiet, private area of the coop. To provide a comfortable surface for your hens to lay their eggs, they should also be lined with a soft material such as straw or wood shavings.
Roosting perches give your chickens a place to rest and get up off the ground. Chickens roost naturally, and providing a safe and comfortable place for them to do so can help reduce stress and improve their overall health. Perches should be installed high off the ground and wide enough for your chickens to comfortably sit on. A good rule of thumb is to give each chicken at least 8 inches of roosting space.
Feeders and waterers are an absolute must in every chicken coop. They should be placed away from the nest boxes and perches in a clean, dry area of the coop. Feeders and waterers come in a variety of styles, including gravity-fed and automatic models. Choose a feeder and waterer that are suitable for the size of your flock and are simple to clean.
Dust baths are critical for the health and well-being of your chickens. Dust baths are used by chickens to clean themselves and to keep mites and lice infestations at bay. Simply fill a shallow container with sand, soil, or a mixture of the two to make a dust bath. You can also use diatomaceous earth, which is a natural insecticide that can help keep pests away from your chickens. Chickens who are frequently let out to "free range" may not require a container as they will find a place for natural bath themselves.
Predator defence is critical to keeping your flock safe and healthy. Foxes, crows and snakes are attracted to chicken coops. Predators will often kill your chooks or eat their eggs, so it's critical to instil the right protective measures. Installing a secure fence or wire mesh around the coop that has relatively small gaps. Mesh dug underground or laid underneath the coop will prevent foxes from digging in. Latches and locks that are difficult for predators to open, can also help. If your chickens are let out for the day, ensure you keep a watchful eye on them and lock them up before dusk. Regular collection of eggs and check ups and keeping your chicken coop clean will minimise the potential of a predator visiting.